Friday, January 14, 2011

Welcome to Tallinn

A brief note to let everyone know I have arrived.  It was a long but uneventful flight (3 of them) and I was generously met by one of the other Fulbrighter, who is here with her family for the entire year. It gets dark here by 4 pm in the evening so the descent into Tallinn airport was like entering a snowy fairly tale, with vast expanses of darker woods alternated with white areas of snow. Interspersed were just enough lights from streets and houses so that my first impression was of a place both cozy and magical.  At this point I am just arriving and still very jet-lagged. Because this entire year Tallinn will have more than normal cultural events (as one of two European cultural cities this year) there is alot happening.  I plan to go see the Fire Sculpture competition this Sunday, having met one of the organizers for this event at the airport.  I am already making plans to connect with folks from school and in the Creative Arts Therapy community, but am moving a little slowly....since I am also assuming that for the next few days, I will crash out at random hours. Right now, it is morning and having woken up hungry at 3 am here -(The next few days will be one of arriving, getting oriented and acclimated and taking it easy.)  And.....I still can't believe I am actually here!!!!! 

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